Home Society acquaintance with Evo of the Marines

acquaintance with Evo of the Marines

by womenbabe

This day came! Your dear decided to introduce you to your parents. Oddly enough, but instead of joy you are covered with panic! What to do?

Your concern about the first meeting with his family is absolutely in vain: his parents are ordinary people. Take this event as to get acquainted with interesting people, and not the exam for which you should assess.

No clothes experiments

Do not call friends and ask what to wear. But if you have cellulite get rid of him so as not to seem to be a mother -in -law who does not take care of herself, because if she thinks so, it can imagine what life is waiting for her son and will be biased to you. The most common mistake of girls who first meet with the parents of the guy is attempts to please the future mother -in -law in all respects. If you are used to short skirts, blouses with a deep neckline, do not put on the skirt to the heels and a boring blouse, if only not to cause disapproval from your beloved mother. Well, how do you know what clothes she prefers? Perhaps she is also a lover of bold outfits. Of course, you can recognize everything in advance from your chosen one, but, again, it is not a fact that your strict clothes will be in your favor during the acquaintance.

Do not forget that you are visiting

The second question that inspires a serious panic is how to behave. Correct answer: as you usually behave, at ease! If you pretend to be the one you are not, you will definitely look funny and ridiculous. Do not forget: you are visiting! Do not try to build yourself as an experienced housewife, right from the threshold, rushing to lay on the table – it will look at least inappropriate. Not every woman will like that a couple of minutes after meeting her kitchen will be able to host another! You can offer to help remove from the table after dinner, but if you were politely refused, do not insist, because your parents invited you to chat, to recognize you closer, and not check if you can wash the plates.

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