Home Society Gift for wedding anniversary

Gift for wedding anniversary

by womenbabe

The first anniversary of the marriage, as the people call it – a chintz wedding. From the name we can conclude that traditional gifts for this anniversary are things from silk, cotton, and of course from Sitz. From grandmothers you can find out that in the old days the wife with his own hand embroidered her husband in a chintz scarf, and her husband in response gave her silk. Now products from silk or chintz of a lot and therefore, you can give a silk tie or shirt to a man and a neck scarf to his wife. If you want to present the couple a general gift, then give a beautiful tablecloth, or silk bedding.

Second anniversary – paper wedding. The first thing that comes to mind from gifts is money. Yes, yes, it is money, and do not be afraid that it will look trite. You just will need to present them correctly, for example, put them in any beautiful box. Such a gift is undoubtedly suitable for the “paper anniversary”. If you do not want to give money, that is, many other options. A man can be presented with a stylish diary, and his soul mate is a beautiful photo album.

Third anniversary – leather wedding. Traditional gifts for this anniversary are considered leather products. It can be – bags, gloves or a purse. Even as an option, you can present a photo album or a book in leather binding. Husband as a gift is a belt or a leather folder. When choosing a gift, focus on the preferences of the one to whom it will be addressed.

5 years of marriage – wooden wedding. On this anniversary you can give – wooden spoons, bowls. If you turn on imagination, you can find carved figures or caskets for jewelry.

Tenth anniversary or tin wedding. The second name of the anniversary pink wedding. Trees are given to such a celebration, flowers – blooming pink hundreds of pink. In antique shops, you can find various vases or decor elements made of tin.

Twenty -fifth anniversary – silver wedding. Here gifts can be both cutlery and jewelry.

Fiftieth anniversary – gold. You rarely meet a couple that lasted for so long. Such unique pairs can only admire. For such significant anniversary, chic gifts from gold or gilding are given. Luxury objects made of this material of a lot, you only need to choose the right.

Each bride for her wedding chooses a unique dress. The search for such a dress takes a long time and is often difficult to be sure that going to the store will be successful. For such cases, you can use shops where you can view wedding dresses photo with prices before going to the store itself. So the bride will be able to evaluate and choose the dress in advance and not lose precious time for travel.

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