Home Society Hearty appetizer or main dish?

Hearty appetizer or main dish?

by womenbabe

Often the calorie content of home salads is very large. If you don’t want to interfere with different dishes, boil beets, mix with mayonnaise, grated cheese, walnuts, or just use a hearty salad instead of the main dish. The latter is especially relevant if the hotter is prepared according to the classic recipe.

Great replacement for the main dish – puff salads. For their impregnation, store mayonnaise is usually used, which is very calorie and allows you to quickly suppress the feeling of hunger. Herring under a fur coat, forest glade, piquant salad – each of them has an interesting set of ingredients. So, lovers of salt fish, prefer a fur coat. Pickled mushrooms are in the glade of Polyana.

The piquancy of the last salad is combined with the delicate taste of chicken fillet and light garlic bitterness. For its preparation, layers are laid out on the dish:

1) boiled chicken fillet chopped in thin strips,

2) carrots grated on a coarse grater,

3) cheese grated on a coarse grater.

The first two layers are smeared with a mixture of mayonnaise and garlic missed through the press. The surface of the salad is decorated with walnut.

Many housewives know how useful the liver is. But to cook it so that all family members and guests like it, it’s hard enough. It is possible that the beef salad should be introduced into the diet. The recipe is quite simple, and the dish turns out to be very satisfying. So, the liver and mushrooms (preferably champignons) are boiled, we pass on the oil chopped on oil in a pan. Cut the liver with slices, add spices and slightly fry with the onion. Mix the chopped mushrooms with the onion-lane mixture and season with mayonnaise. Sprinkle the salad with greens or put a few beautiful twigs.

The benefits of liver dishes are great. Doctors claim that the iron necessary to raise the level of hemoglobin is absorbed from the liver best. From plant products, iron in the body practically does not enter the body. That is why the liver salad is especially useful for children and people who have problems with the amount of iron in the blood.

The end point of the holiday or small gatherings may be a tea party. Invite the guests various types of tea: traditional black or green, unusual ginger, tea with rosehips, black currants and others. Many are familiar with ginger in which has become such a popular Japanese cuisine. But the Japanese know what ginger is useful and it is no coincidence that add it to their dishes. Tea from it contributes to weight loss, improving metabolism, but at the same time it stimulates the feeling of hunger. The main benefit of ginger is its anti -inflammatory and antiparasitic effects.

You need to think about calories, but you should not forget about pleasure. Let the holidays become for you a reward for heavy everyday restrictions, of course, if there were generally.

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