Home Society Home lotion

Home lotion

by womenbabe

Hello, dear readers! Today I want to tell you a recipe for a home lotion.

Lotion is a skin care product, and in particular, facial cleansing of various kinds of pollution, moisturizing the skin, tonic, enrichment of vitamins. For different types of skin there are different types of this product: water, alcohol, sour, alkaline – lotions.

Today I want to teach you to prepare the most optimal lotion that is suitable for everything, since it contains no substances that can cause allergies, inflammation, redness.

Homemade face lotion recipe

For our lotion, we will need:

Bay leaf-7-10 middle leaves.

Water – 400 milliliters.


1) So, we take bay leaves, thoroughly wash them with running water from possible dust and dirt.

2) Washing laurel leaves, put them in a small pan or bucket. Pour water.

3) turn on the gas and wait for boiling. As soon as the water boiled, start stiring the leaflets for 5-7 minutes.

4) Water began to purchase a light green tint, which means that you can turn off the gas. Cool the water and strain it by removing the bay leaf.

With this decoction, wipe your face, neck, hands in the morning and evening. After 1-2 weeks, you will see that acne appears less, black spots are leaving, the complexion becomes brighter and more saturated.

All the best to you! And always stay on top.

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