Home Society How to celebrate the New Year

How to celebrate the New Year

by womenbabe

New Year is not only magical and bright, it is also considered a family holiday, which means it will be better to meet it with friends, relatives and friends, with those people, communication with whom you give you joy and those people who you most want see.   After all, the symbol of the upcoming year is a snake that, as you know, does not like large and noisy companies, in which many people barely know each other.

Decorate your home with New Year’s traditional jewelry and be sure to find a place for a couple of other images or figurines with a symbol of the coming year. It will be just perfect if they are made of natural materials.   The snake loves wood and floral aromas, so you can light aromatic candles.

The most suitable dish for the New Year’s table will be fish, such as trout, salmon. Any fish dish will have to be to the table, whether it is baked, or grilled. In addition, the New Year’s table 2013 cannot be imagined without eggs, meat, greens, which can be used in almost all dishes.

Snacks made from natural products, or from fresh vegetables will also not be superfluous.

The mistress of the new coming year will like salads and salads. In addition to all your favorite and traditional “herring under a fur coat”, “Olivier” you can find a huge number of delicious recipes for original salads. Therefore, be sure to turn on your imagination!

From drinks it is best to opt for natural juices and expensive wine. Well, for dessert you should serve a beautiful cake, and be sure to decorate it with the symbols of the holiday – the snake loves sweet.

To completely enjoy the magical moment, spend New Year’s Eve without fuss and rush.

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