Home Society How to feed a child correctly

How to feed a child correctly

by womenbabe

For the full development of a child, an important role is played by proper nutrition. Incorrectly selected products can harm health.

Unlike adults, children need a large amount of protein. From birth, the mother should feed the baby with breast milk, if this is of course possible. Breast milk is very sterile and it contains a very large amount of fat and carbohydrates proteins, which helps the body easier to absorb it. The high content of nutrients in breast milk helps to ensure the rapid development of the growing organism.

Children from six months to three years old need a special diet, as well as infants. At this age, it is necessary to gradually move from liquid food to solid, alternating it with meat or vegetable puree. For rapid growth and development, the child needs products enriched with protein, this is fish and meat. Also every day, the child needs to give fruits and juices. A one -year -old child should eat 5 times a day.

A child aged 2 to 7 years must be eaten according to the regime. For full development, children should receive everything they need: vegetables, fruits, milk, meat. At this age, it is very harmful to children to give soda and sweets. These products can poorly affect health.

Dairy products should occupy the main place in the diet of children. A child should consume 300-600 ml per day. milk. The necessary product for the child is vegetable oil. It has a large margin of vitamins and fats. Useful for the growing organism is the liver.   It contains a large amount of protein. Sausage products can be entered in the baby’s diet only from three years old.

Fruits and vegetables must be included in the baby’s diet, since they contain a huge amount of dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals.

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