Home Society How to make Hollywood curls at home

How to make Hollywood curls at home

by womenbabe

Owners perfectly straight hair I certainly want to turn their hair in order to look several times better.

A girl can make Hollywood curls without visiting a beauty salon at home. Moreover, laying this kind is nothing complicated, which the girl could not cope on her own.

Hollywood curls on curlers

One of the simplest ways to create Hollywood curls is to use curlers. This method is considered classic. Bigudi used many women in the last century to create styling that would last over a long period of time. There are several varieties of curlers. They are divided among themselves relatively:




Depending on how the girl wants to get curls, she can use curlers different in size. For smaller strands, you should use curlers, as small as possible in size. Keep curlers on the head according to what material they are made of. For example, if it is the thermo curlers, then it will be possible to get curls in an hour literally in an hour.

If the curlers are not thermo, then you will have to keep them on the head a little longer. To achieve the maximum result, then you should keep curlers on your head all night. However, it is quite difficult to do. Especially if the curlers are old – metal. The consolidation of the result is obtained by using special fixing tools. They can be purchased at any cosmetic store.

Hair flagella

You can also make a beautiful styling in the form of Hollywood curls by making flagella from the hair. In order to fix them on your head, you can use invisible hairpins or small rubber bands. To get high -quality styling, flagella should be wrapped at night. If you need styling here and now, flagella get the iron.

You can also make curls in such ways as:

use of an iron for leveling hair;

Using the curling iron.

The effect will turn out to be approximately the same. However, without a varnish fixing, such a hairstyle will not last long. In no case should you make curls with an iron or a curling iron on wet hair. Otherwise you can harm the structure of the hairline. Also do not put too high temperature on the device. This will also harm the hair.

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