Home Society Jewelry how to choose a diamond ring

Jewelry how to choose a diamond ring

by womenbabe

The rings inlaid with diamonds are one of the most desirable jewelry for the fair sex. They can be worn at parties and solemn events, in restaurants and cinema. Sparkling stones have an unsurpassed appearance in a gold frame. How to choose such a valuable decoration?

Today in jewelry shops are models with large and small stones. In this case, you can find a ring with a large diamond or a scattering of small pebbles. These precious materials cannot be confused with nothing of others, because they shimmer and play with all the colors, especially under the sun’s rays. There are even countries on the territory of which it is forbidden to wear jewelry with diamonds until 18 pm. When choosing a ring with this noble stone, it is worth considering several main nuances. The weight of the diamond is calculated in carats. Naturally, the larger the size of the stone, the more expensive the decoration will cost. Today you can find not only ordinary, but engagement rings with diamond decor. Graceful products with a small inlay are more suitable for engagement.

The price of the jewelry largely depends on the quality of the stone cutting. Round shape with 57 faces – this is a classic version. This type of gravity allows you to achieve the maximum game of colors. It is the most common, although in the process of such processing up to 50 percent of the stone is erased. The cost of the material also affects the cost. Diamonds can have pink, yellow, blue and even black shade. It all depends on the natural impurities available in the stone. The most expensive is red diamond. To see what certain models of rings look like, you need to visit a jewelry online store or ordinary shop. The transparency of the stone affects not only the appearance, but also the cost. The cleaner the diamond, the higher its price. But it is worth keeping in mind, an experienced jeweler can thoroughly process and set the material that defects will be invisible.

In any case, a diamond jewelry is expensive. Therefore, when buying, it is necessary to check the availability of a passport. The document can be presented in the form of a small tag. It is only appropriate to buy a jewel in a reliable store that has extensive experience in this area. If possible, you need to choose a decoration with a specialist. If you do not have such a person in friends, you can visit an online store. There you will definitely pick up a unique product.

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