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Self -care at home

by womenbabe

Almost everyone loves chocolate, regardless of return, gender and culinary preferences, it is easily explained: it is tasty, it is healthy and the most dull mood always rises from it. How is it caused and how you can use chocolate in care for your appearance?!

As it turned out, the entire cause of caffeine, it is it that stimulates and improves blood circulation, also chocolate stimulates the production of serotonin by the body, known as the “hormone of happiness”, which is able to improve mood, have a relaxing and calming effect on the human body. In addition, cocoa beans contain a lot of useful and necessary substances necessary and necessary, and if used in the right direction, you can very successfully fight extra kilograms, as well as stabilize metabolic processes in the body. Samo-Sobo, you will not have to wait long for you: in the near future you will feel irresponsibly all the miraculous power of chocolate. I offer several magic chocolate recipes:

1. More often make a chocolate bath for yourself, for this you need to take 300 grams of the most ordinary cocoa-powder without impurities and 1, 5 liters of water pre-heated to a temperature of 90-95 ° C, mix these ingredients and pour the resulting mixture into the bathroom. Enjoy the current kind of aromotherapy for 20 – 25 minutes. This procedure will relieve fatigue and lead your body to tone, you will immediately feel much better and more vigorously.

2. Cocoa powder is an indispensable home remedy in the fight against cellulite, for the procedure, steam 300 grams of cocoa powder in 750 ml. warm water, then wait for the mass to cool to body temperature and apply to problem areas. For a greater effect, cover cellophane. After 15 minutes, take a warm shower. This procedure breaks down fats in the deep layers of the skin, which helps to fight with the so -called “orange peel”.

3. Chocolate can be perfectly used for hair care, for this it is necessary to mix 20 g of cocoa powder and 5 ml of cognac. Rub the resulting mixture with massage movements into the scalp, after 20 minutes, rinse with a shampoo. Due to the increase in blood circulation in the upper layers of the scalp, this mask will return the hair lost shine and strength. You yourself see: very simple recipes, but, believe me, a good mood, a charge of energy and beauty are provided to you.

I always want to buy yourself something beautiful and interesting, but you don’t know where to look. In such cases, a chubstanton of Tomsk will help, in which you will find almost everything you want the soul. The most important thing in all this is that you save a significant amount. Good luck in purchases!

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