Home Society Victims of plastic surgery

Victims of plastic surgery

by womenbabe

The victims of plastic surgery appeared along with the beginning of the operations themselves, but with the improvement of technology there are less. Unsuccessful results of operations can be both because of doctors and customers. Иногда чрезмерное стремление что-либо в себе изменить затмевает разумные причины этого не делать. Reducing the unsuccessful result of plastics, the stars often come to more deplorable results.

Merlin Monroe introduced the fashion for plastic surgery, which made a facelift and rhinoplasty. I must say that she still became a victim of plasticity – Monroe had to walk with a swollen face for six months without the opportunity to sing.

The victim of plastic surgery, known to the whole world – Michael Jackson. For more than one year, Michael’s appearance has constantly changed. In an effort to change his appearance, he underwent many operations, and, not always successful.

For many, plastic surgery and a constant change in appearance have become a kind of drug, and even with a great desire, they can’t stop. Alisia Duval, which, as a result, changed just beyond recognition,. Starting from the age of seventeen, she not only enlarged her breasts, but also redeemed the whole body.

An attempt to deal with age with the help of faces of the face and other plastic surgery sometimes leads to the opposite effect – the star begins to look older than its age. For example, the famous fashion designer Donatella Versace in an attempt to preserve the youth of the face and body, received the opposite result.

All victims of plastic surgery fade in front. She was given the nickname “Bride Frankenstein” for the result of a huge number of operations. Due to a divorce from her husband, this extraordinary woman plunged even more in the process of plastic surgery, which led to a terrible result.

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