Home Society We accept guests at home

We accept guests at home

by womenbabe

The arrival of guests is always a joyful and exciting event. You need to meet them properly. Before the arrival of guests, you need to remove the apartment, prepare a treat, choose the corresponding outfit. You need to think in advance where there will be a dining table, sofa, chairs. What time to invite guests depends on different factors. Friends with whom you have not seen for a long time, it is better to invite to lunch. If you just want to sit with friends, discuss some question, invite them to tea.

In any case, the time of the meeting needs to be stipulated in advance. Invited needs to report who, besides them, will be attended at your party. Try not to invite new people to the old company. Family celebrations are best held in the evening. All basic dishes should be prepared for the arrival of guests. The exception is dishes that must be served “with heat, with the heat”.

The gifts that were given to you can immediately open and thank the guests for them. Flowers must immediately be put in a vase, and the fruits brought by guests should take a place on the table.

If the company is small, guests can choose a place for themselves. In the event that there are many guests, you need to plant them. For the evening to be a success, the hostess must take the reins of government into her hands.

Remember that there is no need to talk about what 2-3 guests know. The rest will be bored at this time. Do not conduct conversations about diseases during the feast and do not load guests with your problems.

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