With the advent of warm days, more and more girls go on vacation to the sea. But a banal fitting of a swimsuit can spoil the vacation, when it turns out that the figure “swim” a bit … so that you do not have to be ashamed of your own body, you need to try to monitor nutrition, regularly perform physical exercises.
But when you need to lose weight as quickly as possible, the girls decide on extreme diets, and also hack themselves with hard workouts. However, you do not need to rush to extremes: the weight dropped into this method will return very quickly – also with a appendage. In this article we will talk about how in just two weeks you can drop a couple of extra pounds – so that they do not return to you.
Add more cardio
Most girls know very well that the fastest fat can be driven with regular runs. But usually interferes … laziness or unwillingness to do exactly. In this case, you can choose an elliptical simulator. If your main “problem zone” is hips, an exercise bike, Ukraine – one of the countries where it is most popular will help get rid of excess fat. In addition, you can purchase a stepper: but it is very important that you are interested in doing on the chosen simulator.
Of course, if there are not so many places at home, it will be more convenient to put a compact stepper or exercise bike. It will also be good if at least once a week you will make a long run in nature. If you study on the street and at home – laziness, then go to the gym.
An unprepared person needs to increase the load gradually: first 15-20 minutes a day will be enough. If you want to burn excess fat as soon as possible, the training should last at least 40 minutes. You can train twice a day-10-20 minutes in the morning and evening, and on the weekend-to arrange a longer lesson.
Take everything harmful from the menu
To speed up the process of losing weight, be sure to review your diet. Remember that carbohydrates (including fruits) need to be consumed up to 15: 00-16: 00, and after that give preference to lighter products. Also try to make breakfast tight, but after lunch, meals should be as few as possible.
Your daily menu may look like this:
Breakfast – oatmeal, boiled eggs (or cottage cheese), fruits
Snack – fruits
Lunch – buckwheat or rice, boiled chicken or veal, vegetables
Dinner – cottage cheese or fish with vegetables
At the same time, try to drink enough clean water-at least 1.5-2 liters per day. If you want to achieve a positive result as quickly as possible, reduce carbohydrate consumption, first of all – fruits. But protein food is ideal for losing weight.