Home Society Choose floor scales

Choose floor scales

by womenbabe

Libra is an accurate and, of course, the necessary device. For those people who are worried about their health and weight, you should purchase floor scales. The most common are mechanical scales, the mechanism of which is based on the action of a simple spring, which is why they serve for a long time. In addition, they are also very affordable, practical and without unnecessary “bells and whistles”. You will not need to constantly change batteries in them, as they do not need a power source. But there are drawbacks – with a weighing limit from 1 to 250 kg, in different models the error ranges from 100 to 500g. Moreover, every time before weighing, it is necessary to manually set the value “0”.

When buying, be sure to pay attention to the likely of the weighing, especially if one of your relatives weighs from 100 kg. In a nutshell, mechanical scales are cheap and reliable. It will not prevent the accuracy of the work of any scales – weighing the unconscious pack of salt periodically.

With electronic scales is more complicated. They work more precisely mechanical, but on batteries, batteries or from the network. The price depends on the material and functions and at the moment the most popular are the scales of Tanita HS-302, which combine not only beautiful appearance, but also excellent quality. They are made of plastic, wood, very durable glass and metal. Electronic scales can almost everything: – automatically turn on and off; – provide maximum measurement accuracy; – maintain the result of the last weighing; – remember the dynamics of weight from 2 to 10 people; – calculate the indicator of ideal weight; – calculate fat, muscle, bone tissue and even a share of water in the body; – clock, thermometer; – sound effects; – overload indicator; – And plus everything, they have not a sliding base. What functions to choose – at the request and financial capabilities of the buyer. The price of electronic weights includes: functions, platform material, design and brand fame.

About the service life – it is different for everyone. For expensive scales, they give a guarantee up to two years, so in case of malfunctions, the manufacturer will pay for the repair.


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