Every girl dreams of finding the only one with whom she will live a long and happy life. But often a young man has difficulties with the manifestation of the initiative, and the moral principles do not allow the girl to take the first step, what to do in this case? Currently, the concepts of morality are a little outdated and for this reason, if the guy is embarrassed to declare his feelings for you, the first step should be taken first. You ate are completely sure that your feelings are mutual, you can take this first step at any time. You can talk about love in a home environment, you can on a walk or in a restaurant. You can make a surprise out of this by organizing a romantic candlelight dinner, in which you explain to it in your feelings. If your favorite person does not even know what you are experiencing for him, then you have a lot of unrest, since no one can predict his reaction to your recognition. First you can try to hint about your feelings. You can make a gift as a recognition painted on the asphalt, you can give something that where the words about love will be present. The guy will be pleased that there is a person who really likes him, the main thing is not to overdo it so that this does not appear in an obsessive form.