Home Holidays 7 things about which the guy will never say

7 things about which the guy will never say

by womenbabe

Men are very secretive creatures. They love to keep the doors to their thoughts closed, locked and under reliable security. Why? Yes, because they are afraid of problems that would appear, we know all their innermost thoughts. They are afraid that we will count them cowardly or weak. But it was today that they lent us the keys to these doors, and we are free to look and see those things that they will never tell us about themselves and about us.

Bright things. He likes the show “Bachelor”, flavored disposable handkerchiefs and “Pina Kolada”. Testosterone does not allow them to admit to most women or other men, but be sure that they can easily call on testosterone reserves as necessary. So if you need to discuss the last issue of the “Bachelor” – act, they are aware of all the events.

Solo sex is cool. Of course, they prefer duets, but they still have a special resolution from hormones to recording salts. When it comes to the bedroom, women are often offended, if a man needs to take a microphone into their own hands, as if it were a sign that they are not satisfied with you. In fact, a single performance is not a replacement for many beautiful melodies recorded together, but starting a conflict, they can forever move into distant swimming. And to everything else, singing alone helps them overcome insomnia and stress.

He is an egoist. The fact that he does not want to start a dog does not mean at all that he does not like animals. He simply sees his future, in which he should walk the dog at least 2 times a day and contemplate his poop at least the next 12 years. And he may have other plans for this time.

His fads. He doesn’t like the way he looks, the female magazine reports

Change of roles. They love terribly when we treat them. After all, as a type of predator, they are used to hunting. They treat us to us, buy flowers to us, the first to call. They were born to hunt and they accept this challenge. But they also get tired. Men are tired of kilometers passed to find us, from the enemies that they overcame for our attention. And they want us to sometimes try on the role of a predator.

His free time. They want to be alone. Not eternity, not every day. Men just need time for rest, to drink with friends, for football in the end. And they do not do it too often so that we do not have an attack. We allocate a couple of hours of free time per week for them, and this will become like a Viagra for a relationship. They will be longer and better.

Three important words. They love us even more than when we only met. It is not clear why they hide it, but it is.

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