Home Holidays Features and traditions of celebrating Chinese New Year

Features and traditions of celebrating Chinese New Year

by marusia

Since the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) is one of the most revered in the country, according to the Chinese New Year website, dedicated to Chinese astrology and traditions, the general holiday in China will last 16 days, and the fun will last for a month.

Some companies will be closed for 30-40 days, from January 29 to February 26, 2024. This is necessary so that all employees can get to relatives in remote villages, have a good rest with their families and return back. How to celebrate Chinese New Year 2024?

The celebration usually begins with national festivities on the eve of the New Year. The evening should be celebrated at home with your closest relatives, having dinner at a rich table (nanyefan). In the morning, it is customary to exchange gifts and good wishes, visit the temple and pray for the departed. On other days they go to visit and participate in mass celebrations and events.

The first day of the holiday is dedicated to a family feast. The second is the presentation of gifts and visiting the temple to pay tribute to the family and the gods. It is also Son-in-Law Day. The following days are devoted to friendly visits, trips to the bathhouse, family photo sessions and the launching of fireworks. On the seventh day, the family sits down at the table again, and the next day the Chinese slowly return to work. What do you give for Chinese New Year? According to tradition, on this holiday it is customary to offer the following gifts: Red envelopes with money (hongbao) – for children and adults.

Soft toys for children. An odd number of tangerines and oranges are for guests. Cosmetics and souvenirs for friends and acquaintances. On the days of celebration, it is customary to have fun, relax and be filled with joyful thoughts. In China these days, it is customary to exchange good wishes, which lay the foundation for prosperity for the entire coming year.

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