The boy needs to stay with his father in friendship and trust. When the child does not have dad, he tries to communicate more with other male faces, for example, with a neighbor or grandfather … The boy needs to be like someone like, take an example to become a man. But one must be careful, because if it is too strict or irritable, the boy can forever turn away from such a father. Who wants to imitate a person: who is unpleasant, who constantly offends you, whom you are afraid? Then the boy will communicate more with his mother or grandmother. So that the child is attached to his father, he should not shame him for actions that are not considered a “male” matter, even if it is music or dancing, or even embroidery. After all, other qualities form a man, and not just “male” sports or ignoring girls. The father is obliged to fish with his son, go on campaigns, have small secrets from women, so the boy will know that dad loves to communicate with him and will come to him with any question, knowing that he will be understood and helped. Small general secrets will create conditions for trusting relationships, pride in being in the “men’s club”, which not everyone is allowed.