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Amenorrhea causes of types and treatment of pathology

by womenbabe

Amenorrhea is a pathology characterized by the lack of menstruation for six months or more. In most cases, the symptoms of amenorrhea are considered, not as a separate disease, but as a sign of a manifestation of any disease.

Types of amenorrhea

The physiological absence of menstruation is a condition in which the appearance of this pathology is quite normal. For example: during pregnancy, before puberty, during postmenopausa or lactation.

The pathological absence of menstruation is a kind of symptom of diseases of the gynecological plan.

Primary amenorrhea is the absence of menarge (first menstruation) up to 16 years.

Secondary – lack of menstruation after the formation of a regular menstrual cycle. This type of pathology occurs in 75% of cases of disease. Amenorrhea will also be considered secondary, even if there was only one menstruation in the history of.

Symptoms of the false amenorrhea are observed when the level of hormones, characteristic of an unexplored menstrual cycle, is changed, but due to obstacles of a mechanical nature, for example, the infection of the virgin rod, the blood yield out is difficult. Very often, such a disease develops in women with congenital pathologies of the genital organs.

True amenorrhea is the lack of menstruation or cyclic vibrations, as a result of which there is no ovulation and, accordingly, pregnancy.

Which leads to pathology?

The reasons for the primary amenorrhea:

slow development of the genitals;

genetic disorders;

chromosome anomalies of the structure of the rings;

infectious diseases.

Causes of secondary amenorrhea:

violation of proper nutrition;

psychological stress;

physical, and sometimes mental overwork;

sharp weight loss;


taking some drugs;

conducting radiation or chemotherapy;

endocrine diseases;

inflammation or uterine tumors.

Diagnosis of the disease

With complaints about the absence of menstruation, the doctor conducts a survey of a woman from whom he should find out:

What she eats and adheres to a diet;

whether she is engaged in sports;

how often stress occurs;

the weight and height of the patient (to detect a lack or excess of body weight);

the presence of relatives with this diagnosis.

Then the woman goes to donate blood for the amount of hormones and on an ultrasound of the pelvis.    The smear on the vaginal microflora is also taken.

Treatment of pathology

The process of treatment of amenorrhea depends on the reason for its appearance. If a delay in the development of the child -bearing system is detected, the doctor recommends paying attention to nutrition. The use of hormonal drugs that stimulate the development of the reproductive system and cause menstruation is prescribed. This treatment is also prescribed with a sharp decrease in body weight and, in general, with its lack.

If the lack of menstruation is caused by a feature of the structure of the genitals, then surgical intervention is necessary. This is a very fast and easy operation, which can be carried out even without the use of general anesthesia.

With polycystic ovaries and many other diseases of the genitourinary system, oral contraceptives are prescribed. But at the same time it is worth knowing the level of progesterone and estrogen.

If the symptoms of amenorrhea are the result of early menopause (at 40 years old), then most likely this indicates a small ovarian function. This condition is treated with hormone-prefabricated therapy.  With a disease caused by a large amount of hormone prolactin, the means of lowering it are used.

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