Home Holidays Exit registration of marriage

Exit registration of marriage

by womenbabe

Recently, output registration of marriage has become more relevant.

This is an exclusive individual approach, a unique opportunity to create a celebration in accordance with its idea of ​​the perfect wedding, no time restrictions, guests and the place of the celebration.

To carry out on-site registration, certain costs will be needed, but this does not stop those who want to embody their dream into reality, because the holiday in honor of the creation of their family should be truly enchanting, romantic, unique. It will be about what nuances and details it is important to consider in the preparation of the visiting ceremony.

The first thing you need to start training is a list of guests, and then start choosing a suitable place. The site for exit registration should be comfortable and accommodate the required number of guests; Unlike the registry office, many guests can be invited to such a ceremony. Most often, the place where the ceremony will be held is chosen near the restaurant, where the wedding banquet will take place. Often, registration is completed with beautiful rituals, such as a sand ceremony, planting a tree of love or rose ceremony – all these are unusually beautiful and touching rites, so it is very important that all those present are clearly visible.

It is very important that the guests can see the process of marriage in all details, the place with the leading table should be on the left or to the right of the arch, so as not to close the newlyweds; Signing, the bride and groom are necessarily facing guests. Places of guests are located no closer than 3-4 meters from the place where the newlyweds will stand.

The central passage between the chairs should not be narrow, since the photographer and the operator at the wedding need to move freely and quickly, without closing the view of the guests. Consider that with a considerable number of guests you definitely need sound support, even with live music the microphone will need the presenter so that the guests are clearly heard by his speech. If the ceremony is accompanied by a DJ, then the speakers are located behind the guests, so they will not fall into the lens to the wedding photographer, and therefore, they will not be seen in the photo.

Moscow has a fairly large selection of restaurants with its own territory, where there is enough space for conducting the ceremony, but there are not many of it for a large number of guests. If there are a lot of guests and want more space, then it is better to look for a suitable option in the suburbs, there you can organize a ceremony for 200 or more people.

It is important to carefully and in details think through the entire design of the ceremony. If a banquet and registration will be held in one place or not far from each other, then the best solution would be to order design from one decor company, this will help to withstand everything in the same style.

It is equally important to think about entertainment for guests, for example, you can organize an exit photo studio: immediately after the ceremony, make beautiful memorable photos with all guests, they will instantly print and be handed to guests as souvenirs. If you want something unusual, but do not like to pose in front of the camera, you can rent an Instaprinter that prints a hashtag photo. Guests will take off what is happening on their smartphones and upload it to the network, and the printer will find them and print them.

Of course, this is far from all that must be taken into account in preparation for the visiting ceremony of marriage. We hope that our tips will help you overcome pre -wedding chores.

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