Home The beauty Features of 90s makeup and recommendations

Features of 90s makeup and recommendations

by marusia

Makeup from the 90s of the twentieth century now attracts the attention of many young girls. Vivid images from the past can be easily recreated using modern cosmetics. The main thing is to adhere to simple rules and not be afraid to experiment with colors.

To begin with, it is worth noting that girls in Russia and America in the 1990s wore their makeup differently. In the United States, the peak of popularity of bright colors and unusual images occurred in the 70s and 80s of the twentieth century. It was then that women experimented with their appearance and created bright images in the disco style. In the 1990s, American women fell in love with more natural makeup. This can be seen in the example of heroines of films and TV series of that time. Style icons of the 1990s include Julia Roberts and Jennifer Aniston.

In Russia the situation was a little different. After the collapse of the USSR, many scarce goods appeared in the country. Women wanted to experiment with bright lipsticks and eye shadows. Therefore, they were often painted in an unusual way. Russian beauties used blue eye shadow, red lipstick and colored eyeliner. The girls tried to follow American fashion, being inspired by the images of American actresses and singers.

When creating makeup in the style of the 1990s, you can use both old post-Soviet photos and American posters as inspiration. In general, this make-up is distinguished by the following features.

Optional use of foundation. Previously, a light and even complexion was in fashion. But in the 1990s, the images became more natural. Women did not try to change their natural skin color. Cosmetics were usually used only to mask various redness and rashes.

Natural eyebrow makeup. Eyebrow cosmetics were not popular. The girls usually corrected their shape with tweezers. Eyebrow pencils were rarely used.

Variety of shadows. In the 1990s, girls almost always painted their eyes with eye shadow. For daytime makeup, they used lighter products. In the evening, bright shadows were applied to the eyelids.

Clear arrows. Evening makeup was also most often complemented with even, clear arrows. They were drawn with both classic black eyeliner and brighter means.

Volume eyelashes. To make the eyes look more expressive, they were always emphasized with black or dark brown mascara. It was usually applied in 2-3 layers.

Abundance of blush. Most girls used bright blush. They were applied to the skin both in the evening and during the day. Carmine and pink blushes were especially popular.

Bright lipsticks. Colored lipsticks were also in demand at that time. Girls almost always painted their lips using light or brown-red products. Shines or balms with sparkles were also popular among young beauties.

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