The mobile phone today has become an integral part of the life of everyone and everyone. It’s very convenient, but at the same time annoying. After all, your family, friends and friends can find you everywhere and at any time that can cause irritation of your colleagues in the workshop. When you are free from work, turning off the mobile or not, is your personal business. But when you are at work, you must think not only about yourself, but also about your colleagues and the boss, not to mention the work that needs to be done efficiently and on time. Here are some rules for using mobile phones at work. 1. Turn off the call if you take a mobile to work, remember that he should not suddenly rain with some indecent melody. In extreme cases, in order not to miss an important call, put the phone on the vibro call. After all, to everything, you don’t want your boss to know how many personal calls you get during working hours. 2. Use mobile only for really important calls what can be classified as an important call? The school nurse calls you to say that your child is sick and you need to take him home, or he himself got home and calls you to say that he is already safely in bed. Any other family emergency cases are also regarded as bishop. When your girlfriend calls to chat, or your child, to tell how fun he walked with the dog today, or your mother, who certainly needs to share the last news from the life of relatives, cannot be perceived as important calls. 3. Install the voice mail. Believe me, it takes much less time to check such mail than to answer all incoming calls and tell the subscriber that you are busy. 4. Find a secluded place for personal calls until you use a mobile phone for personal purposes are allowed on breaks, do not sit at the workplace. Find a secluded place where no one can hear your calls, even if what you are discussing is not personal in nature. You may have a break, but your employees can still work. Remember this. 5. Do not wear a mobile to the toilet … Never this rule, in general, must be observed always and everywhere, not only at work. Why? Yes, simply because you never know who is still in the toilet, or your interlocutor can hear the noise of water in the tap, or even worse – in the toilet. In addition, this is an invasion of the private life of your employees. 6. Do not wear mobile phones for meetings even if you put a vibro call, if you get a call, you will overcome the temptation to see who he is and find out what happened there. And this is not only rude, it is also a signal for your boss, that you are not 100 percent surrendered to work. Sees can wait until the end of the meeting or before the break. Remember that before we all somehow coped without mobile phones …