Home The beauty SDMO gas generators (France)

SDMO gas generators (France)

by womenbabe

The SDMO concern founded in 1966 began its activities with the production of electric generators installed on sea yachts, which became the starting point for improving the processes of creating, developing and manufacturing gasoline and diesel generators. Which, in turn, allowed SDMO Industries to become a real European leader in the production of power plants used as reserve or main sources of energy supply for a large number of consumers in the household sphere, industry and agriculture. Concern factories located exclusively in France, which in turn ensures the release of high -quality, which meets the best indicators of the norms and standards of the European Union, equipment known today around the world. Confirmation of these characteristics is the European Certificate of Qualigen Qualigen Qualigen and compliance with its international standards ISO9001.

SDMO electric generators

Slovenly equipment from SDMO is presented today, in more than 155 countries of the world, energy generating installations of 3 types:

portable devices, with a capacity range from 0, 9 kV to 15kva;

equipment of medium power – from 7, 5 kv to 880 kVA;

Stationary DSUs of high power -OO 650 KVA to 3000KVA, as well as motorcycle bundles and electric welding equipment.

All this equipment is widely used in life support systems of telecommunication companies, metro, medical centers, airports, cosmodromes, financial corporations, production complexes.

Technical features

To the main indicators of the entire lineup of energy generating devices from SDMO, relate:

high reliability, quality, durability and performance;

optimal compactness of the structure;

ease of launching and conducting maintenance;

Constructive solutions providing for various installation options – with a noise -protective casing, an additional hardware component, on a mobile trailer.

Standard specification

SDMO gas generator installations are equipped with professional four -free gasoline engines of world -famous manufacturers – Briggs&Stratton;, Honda, Kohler, Robin Subaru and synchronous self -exciting generators, the work of which is controlled by voltage and frequency stabilization systems (vibrations are in the range of 5% of the nominal).

The capacity of the equipment is regulated according to the European standard ISO 8528 – the maximum load in long mode.

Frame design, provides for the installation of the fuel tank.

The casing of a gas generator is characterized by a modular design and the absence of welded nodes.

Control system

The control, protection, control panel and emergency shutdown button are located on the aggregate frame, thus providing the ease of control of the equipment and control of all processes – the parameters of the output current and engine operation.

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