Home The beauty Surgical intervention for uterine diseases

Surgical intervention for uterine diseases

by womenbabe

As a rule, surgical operations on the genitals are rarely carried out. For example, such a disease as uterine fibroids requires surgery in complicated cases: large dimensions of the neoplasm, constant uterine bleeding, the interaction of increased fibroids with neighboring organs, constant pain, localized in the lower abdomen.

One of the specific surgical operations is the connation of the cervix, which is very rare. Indications for carrying out conic are tests of cytological research, which indicate pathological changes in the cells, in particular, tissues of the cervical canal. In this case, the purpose of connization is to remove and further study of affected tissues.

If pathological cells were found during cytological studies that did not reveal the colposcopy or the cervix biopsy, the conical biopsy allows you to establish a diagnosis with higher accuracy.

Indication for conical is the detection of cancer cells in the cervical tissues. This operation makes it possible to determine how deeply and hard the tissues are affected, which will allow you to choose a further methodology for removing cancer cells.

The operation of the cone makes it possible to remove affected tissues, to avoid further treatment. Only a repeated cytological study will be required, which can show that the affected cells remained in the edges of the remote area, which will become an indication for re -conical.

The Medical Center “Vemar” in Kyiv conducts this operation only after a comprehensive examination of the patient – cytological studies of strokes, colposcopy. Only if preliminary studies have shown pathological changes in the cells of the neck, which spread up the channel, the operation is mandatory.

The main ways of conducting a conical biopsy: laser and loop. Both of these methods allow surgery without further complications, such as bleeding, narrowing of the neck channel, infection and scars.

The radio wave method is also used, which today is the most effective and safe.

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