Home Holidays Three -wheeled joy for the baby

Three -wheeled joy for the baby

by womenbabe

A three -haired bike inspires us happy memories of childhood. Although in those days the choice of bicycles was not large, all the same, the bicycle then for us was something fabulous. Now the choice of bicycles is so wide that it is very difficult to dwell on any one model.

Bicycles for girls, for boys, with different squeaks, musical toys in front, with a signal and without, various colors cannot but delight mothers and dads. But children very often fall, knock down their knees, and cycling increases the risk of falling. Therefore, your child’s safety is in the first place.

In order to choose the right three -wheeled bicycle from 3 years, you need to take into account some nuances:

Choose a model with a pen for which you can take your child yourself. After all, this will be the first bicycle of the baby and on his own he will not be able to ride at first. And with the help of a pen you can take walks without difficulty and adjust the speed and direction of the bicycle movement.

Make sure all the mounts are working. Otherwise, the bike can fall apart on the move.

Buy a model with a canopy from the sun. And in sultry weather the baby will be comfortable and not so hot.

Well, if the bicycle has a basket for things. Then it will be possible to boldly go shopping and not take an additional package or bag with you.

Make sure that the baby easily takes the legs to the pedals. Then he will quickly understand what and very quickly learn to ride on his own.

It is also necessary that the child can easily reach the steering wheel. Then he will not hurt his back.

Choose a bicycle only trusted firms. Only in this case it will be possible not to worry about its strength and durability.

And most importantly – try to choose the first bike with the baby! Then he will certainly like this wonderful activity.

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