Home Holidays Today I praise myself for the fact that…

Today I praise myself for the fact that…

by womenbabe

So, we agreed in the previous article of the heading “For which I praise myself?»Praise your loved ones regularly. But that, that, this phrase has not sounded for a long time. So, it was decided to throw reasons to praise yourself. Now in the journal Currentwomen will regularly appear unnecessary reasons to praise themselves.

Here are the first few undoubted reasons to praise yourself.

For the fact that, after reading the article “Do this”, finally the plumbing caused and fixed the unfortunate dripping crane. After all, a drop by a drop, and will gather by the end of the month plus to the counter. Or, taking the newspaper from a beloved man lying on the couch, and threatening the deprivation of dinner, she “persuaded” to finally engage in household plumbing.


Again, after reading the article “Do this,” as well as fixing it with articles “Lighting in 12 days”, she took up the destruction of extra kg accumulated over the winter. and for the first time in a long time she did a full charge. Yes, at first reluctance. For that then you are so proud of yourself and experience pleasant fatigue.


Despite the complete “I don’t want” and the aversion to puddles on the street and dirty sidewalks, he armed herself with rubber boots and took a march of six stops long. The result was a saturation of an hungry organism with oxygen and a firm promise for itself – to walk as often as possible.


Again, buying rubber boots with a wonderful combination of “price – quality” during the next shopping. Well, after all, a useful purchase! Extra 700 rubles. And so many advantages. And expensive leather boots will remain intact, and after all, rubber boots are the most fashionable attribute of this terribly slush and unpleasant spring.


I prepared cutlets, for the first time not afraid to heat the frying pan. And having thrown them into red -hot oil, she got a terribly tasty crust and unreal juiciness. It turned out that this is not so scary. And they will not burn out at all and will not turn into coals, if they are slightly moved in a pan, monitor their condition and turn over in time.

Note: The secret of delicious cutlets is a heated oil, three minutes of frying on each side, and then another 7 minutes over low heat. And the satisfied views of the overeating beloved man are guaranteed!

We are waiting for your claims and do not forget to love and praise your loved ones!

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