Home The beauty Varieties of blankets what to pay attention to when choosing

Varieties of blankets what to pay attention to when choosing

by womenbabe

A comfortable dream is a good mood and high performance during the day. In order to get up in the morning, you need to take care of all the components of the right sleep: the temperature in the room, silence, cozy bed. The right selection of the blanket is one of the first places. What can you choose from?

1. Pulp blankets. Made from fluff of geese and ducks, the most expensive from the fluff of Gagara. Very light and warm, pleasant to the body and keep comfort at any temperature. The easiest to buy a down blanket to buy on the Internet. This will save your time and largely finances. With caution, such a purchase should make people prone to allergies.

2. Woolen. For their manufacture, the wool of sheep, camels and goats are used. Durable and warm, they have the ability to self -cleaned from absorbed sweat, without maintaining the smell. The ability to absorb moisture equal to a third of its own weight and remain dry is one of the main advantages.

3. Cotton. Vata perfectly absorbs moisture, very warm but, in comparison with other natural fillers, has a great weight and ability to absorb and retain smells. It is quite difficult to wash such blankets, and as a result, lumps may form.

4. Silk blankets with a filler of fibers created by silkworm and in a special way cleaned, perfectly retain heat, are able to absorb sweat and are not affected by parasite insects. Another valuable property is their complete hypoallergenicity. Silk blankets are elite and have a very high cost.

5. Bamboo blades. Bamboo fiber has the ability to protect against microorganisms and bacteria, and quality is much softer than cotton.

6. Synthetic blankets are the most inexpensive and durable. Easily erased, have a small weight and do not cause allergic reactions. The main drawback is the lack of hygroscopicity. Filler – synthetic winterizer, Hollofiber

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