Home Holidays You can independently organize a buffet what to take into account

You can independently organize a buffet what to take into account

by womenbabe

How to make a birthday or any other holiday unusual, interesting and comfortable? You can make a picnic in nature or get together in a restaurant, arrange a thematic party or spend time alone with a loved one – there are many options. And you can organize a buffet. How does it differ from other parties? Buffet is a modern technique with a light snack, which is eaten mainly with a fork. In the place where this event is held, there are high tables with treats, as well as weak alcoholic beverages. At such tables do not sit all evening, but are only suitable for a bite. There should be only a snack on the food buckshot – more satisfying dishes here are out of place.

Conducting a buffet is a simple matter, but, definitely, it requires a professional work. Of course, you can also organize a buffet, but in people who do this and know all the subtleties of the conduct, more likely to do everything in the best form. If you still decide to take a chance and take up a buffet yourself, then we will help you with this.

So what is the most important at any party? Of course, food! Well, and drinks, of course. As mentioned above, the buffet is characterized by a light snack, and not large satisfying dishes that you have to cut with a knife. If you take into account such a feature that we, having eaten something alone, are already unable to eat anything else, then light snacks are a way out. They are very small in themselves, so you can try everything within one evening. A wide variety of snacks and large numbers should be present on the table. First, cold ones are served: it can be sandwiches, canapes, tartlets and the like. Then, when the guests have an appetite, you can put hot snacks on the table, such as, for example, small cutlets, chews, small sausages. Closer to the end of the buffet is served dessert, most often – ice cream. Then tea or coffee with sweets.

It is important to pay attention not only to food, but also to the table setting, because the atmosphere, a sense of solemnity, and even mood depends on it. Putting one big table or several small ones is at your discretion. The main thing is that the table is tall, and the edges of the tablecloth hung to the floor. Let’s move on directly to the serving. The appetizer should be in the very center of the table. Leave its edges free: guests will need a place to put plates. Initially, plates are placed somewhere on the side, next to the forks, so that everyone can approach and take the necessary devices for themselves. It will look beautiful if, on the edge of the table of a glass, glasses and glasses, put a triangle, and put a bottle with an appropriate drink in the center of the “masterpiece”.

About the table and everything that applies to him, we talked. It remains to solve a couple of organizational moments. Usually everyone serves himself on a buffet – this is how it is customary. But if you want the desired dish to appear on the table in time, so that someone walks around the hall and offers guests drinks, then you can hire a waiter – . The buffet is assumed to collect people in order to spend the evening together, relax, relax and chat with those with whom there is no way to talk during work. Based on this, during the evening, pleasant calm music should sound in the hall, and most importantly – not very loud so that the interlocutors can clearly hear each other.

Furtisch is a great way of pleasant pastime and communicating with people corresponding to you by social status. Try to create a pleasant atmosphere and maximum comfort, then everything will pass on the “Hurray”.

Author: Julia Sitnikova.

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