If a woman drives a car during pregnancy, this is undoubtedly a significant plus – it can move comfortably, the risk of contact with infectious diseases is reduced, it gets rid of the stuffiness of public transport and less tired.
But there are negative indicators – a woman has to sit behind the wheel for a long time and look around. You need to take the phone with you on the trip to call the doctor in time, and after the thirtieth week, you need to put a medical card and passport in the glove compartment of the car.
If a pregnant woman does not complain about her health, her well -being is beautiful, there is no threat of miscarriage, increased or reduced pressure, anemia, then she can safely get behind the wheel. But still, you need to listen to the recommendations of doctors, exclude additional loads, for example, if there is a pregnancy with toxicosis, swelling of the legs. You can not drive a car in the last period of pregnancy, with multiple pregnancy and with a large stomach.
The concentration of attention in pregnant women does not decrease, but before childbirth the activity of the cerebral cortex decreases and the rate of reaction and attention may be violated. This must be remembered by the future mother. But the most common problem in driving is emotions and unstable behavior in such a crucial period.