Nowadays, you can sit on the paid maternity leave and care for children under 3 years old. But various life circumstances force mothers to leave children in the care of relatives, and go to work themselves. Is it good or bad? How can work be reflected during the decree on a small child?
The need for emotional communication
The first year of life is of great importance in the development of the child. Physical and emotional formation give a laying for life. Attitude towards people, world and to itself is formed precisely in this important year.
First communication with adults, for a child is a very emotional. At the sight of a familiar face, the baby begins to smile, walk, wave their hands and legs. In order for small to develop well, he needs constant communication with loved ones. The first and main person in the initial months of his life is mom.
The close connection of intrauterine development has changed to close emotional and physical communication. That is why such simple actions such as breastfeeding, pressing, lullary and communication are so important for mom and baby. Deep attachment to the mother plays a huge role in the formation of children’s nature. It is mom who is a guide to the world, teaches trust and satisfies the need for love.
In the modern world, there is a disorder of maternal attachment to children. As a result – children appear in children, neurosis, complexes and other negative phenomena. A rare communication of a mother with a baby leads to the emergence of an inferiority complex in a child, but many mothers cannot go to work during the decree either. The question arises again: what to do?
Feeding, hugs, games, laminating – for a baby is a confirmation of love, gives him confidence that it will always be so. At an older age, proximity with parents will protect a teenager from risky and wrong steps. What sprouts to plant a mother, such a tree will grow.
Leave or stay?
Moms themselves understand that they need children. They will reproach themselves for the missed first word, the first step. But the need to ensure financial stability in the family drives them to work. What to do if the work during the decree is simply necessary?
– Reduce your working day. Legislation provides for options for such work. There are guarantees for a nursing and working mother.
– Find a job at home. So mom will be able to devote all her free time to the child, without looking up from the work process.
– Ask the grandmother of the child or find a nanny for several hours, while the mother will be absent. The rest of the time the baby will be able to enjoy communication with his mother. It must be remembered that nothing and no one will replace this precious time. You should not justify yourself and put off for the future lost hours that could be spent together. You can’t return your childhood. It should be remembered that it is the sensations of intimacy with their parents who lay a thought in the child: “Here is my family where they love me”.